Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Scripts adapted to novels have the potential to create a worldwide audience and a revenue stream

Executive Producer-Susan B. Flanagan

Reverse Screenplay Adaptation / RSA 

Bidwell Tyler
RSA is the process by which your script is adapted to a manuscript, published as a novel and distributed traditionally and online to a worldwide market.

By now, many of you know that the film, TV industry, and talent agencies are following book sales and their number of followers on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, etc. As told to us by several industry executives, collateral marketing data from book sales are solid numbers that can’t be ignored and indicates there is public interest in the project. This can help influence the decision for a project to get funding or being sent to series (TV/Cable.) 

The advantages of adapting your script to a novel are many. Some of the more important advantages of adapting your script to a novel is the potential for creating a revenue stream from the book sales. Additionally you do not need an agent, there’s no approval process, and while your book is being sold traditionally and/or online (e-Books), you can simultaneously continue seeking investors to fund your script and/or submitting it to the networks. 

Additionally, since publishing companies began using the internet to publish and distribute books; it has streamlined the process and reduced the cost of publishing, thereby making the distribution of books easier through book stores (hard / soft cover) and/or by using e-books, iPad, Tablets and New Media. 

Keep in mind, just like not every script that is written gets funded or licensed and not every film or TV show becomes a box office hit, or number one in ratings. We are not suggesting that RSA will work for every script or become a best-seller once it is distributed online or traditionally. Additionally as we all know, writing a manuscript is very different from writing a script. Also, there is the need to understand the business process for getting your book published, distributed and marketed. If you need assistance or guidance, do not hesitate to contact us. 

Given the fact that for many independents who are trying to get their scripts funded or TV shows licensed but are unable to secure the assistance they need, RSA may be an option to consider. That's why we believe the advantages of RSA outweigh the disadvantages. And considering that the studios and networks have made publishing companies a major part of their marketing strategy, are aggressively adapting scripts to novels and have increased significantly the number of books being made into films, it appears they too believe the risks are minimal compared to the potential rewards. 

Also keep in mind, regardless if an investor or network shows interest in your project or not, your royalties from book sales will continue as long as anyone is buying your book. 

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